PDF will focus on sustainability to its financial and human resource as well as supporting the development of a more inclusive and diverse disability movement. It is evident that even though project funding has increased over the years, PDF is still heavily dependent on core funding from DFAT. To ensure sustainability, a historical financial analysis highlighted that it was critical for PDF to ascertain the minimum funding required to ensure core function of the secretariat was sustainable going forward whilst programs or projects undertaken by PDF were self-funding.
PDF will strive for financial, human resource and organisational sustainability in a way that will allow responsiveness to the diversity of needs of its members and effective implementation of the strategy. PDF will invest in building its human capital within the movement to provide the expertise needed with others to implement the strategy. PDF will support a more inclusive and diverse disability movement which imply to be able to provide a more differentiated and tailored support to its members. While seeking more resources is critical, efficiency gains are just as critical. There will be a focus on ensuring that project and core activities are mutually reinforcing to each other. The approach would make the most of PDF tools in a more coordinated way that makes more effective use of the competencies and expertise within the PDF membership. PDF will undertake a mapping of knowledge and expertise across its membership and provide a database of expertise in various areas as well as supporting the emergence of the most marginalised groups. With the increasing work in CBID and precondition, there will be more attention paid to children with disabilities and older persons with disabilities, especially in mainstreaming in early childhood development.
Goal 1: To Build A More Diverse And Inclusive Disability Movement
Goal 2: Financial Sustainability
Goal 3: Governance And Leadership
Goal 4: PDF Responsiveness